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Working for the underprivileged People
Agamee –A Society for Help for Self Help
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Working for the underprivileged People
Agamee –A Society for Help for Self Help
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Working for the underprivileged People
Agamee –A Society for Help for Self Help
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Working for the underprivileged People
Agamee –A Society for Help for Self Help
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We fight together by staying apart. Stay indoors and Break the chain. Remember to wear a mask always. Let’s defeat the coronavirus together!


AGAMEE-A Society for Help for Self Help, a non-profit organization, was established in the year 1996 and was registered on 14 August, 1997. It started its journey by providing non- formal pre primary education to the under privileged children belonging to urban slum areas and adivashi community in remote areas of different districts of West Bengal. The Society, for past 26 years had been and is still continuing with the mission of facilitating the process of making children of their project areas self confident and self reliant. The society currently consists of 55 members.


To empower socially and an economically backward section especially the youth by developing their skills in various fields including the latest technology, education, marketing, and entrepreneurship.


To provide a healthy environment for the marginalized and underprivileged section by creating a safe, conducive, prosperous and progressive society.


  Projects Undertaken


  Projects Undertaken


  Projects Undertaken


  Projects Undertaken


  Projects Undertaken


  Projects Undertaken

 Our |Programs

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 Our |Programs

Cultural Program

For our non-formal school children we also organize our theoretical program with the Sangbartra Group.


Education Program

We have been running a pre-school education program for the last 20 years in our three project areas. 


Programs Held in Different Project Areas


  1. Celebrating Saraswati Puja at Chetla School
  2. Prize Distribution after the annual exam at Chandanpur School
  3. Prize Distribution at Gobardanga School
  4. Celebrating Independence Day by flag wrestling of Chetla School’s student
  5. Awarding Teachers and non-teaching staff of all schools at ‘Tapan Theatre Hall’ on 12th October 2017


 Our |Associates